Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thrill of the Chase

As you know I’m a big music-lover, but my taste is a bit obscure and unique, which makes it very difficult to find CDs that I like. The types of music I listen to are not played on the radio and are rarely found in mainstream music stores, so for me, looking for CDs is like being Indiana Jones searching for ancient relics. There is a process that involves researching the band, hunting for the CDs, and then verifying that they will suit my taste.

I try to limit myself to 1 CD a month – although this is more of a guideline than a rule - so it is an honor for a CD to be chosen to join my elite collection. I thought it might be fun each month to write a review of my latest find. …Well, fun for me anyway. I know most of you will have no idea who these bands are, but you know me … I’m always willing to share.

Yesterday I was stoked. CD Tradepost’s online inventory indicated they had an album that I really wanted to try out. This is a very unique band that I was interested in hearing and sharing the experience with the rest of you (I’ll reveal what it is later). I went straight there after work, but the CD was nowhere to be found. I asked the cashier about it, he verified that the computer indicated the CD was at this store, and he helped me look around. We checked all the other sections of the store, just in case it was put in the wrong category, and I even checked the rows next to the places where it could be, just in case somebody picked it up out of curiosity and then accidentally returned it one or two rows away from where they got it.

But alas, this rarity eluded us. The cashier said he would call me if it resurfaces, but I know that this is unlikely.

I won’t give up. The hunt is on. The target has made its presence known, and has mocked me by walking through my crosshairs while my weapon malfunctioned. Now it dares to run and hide. But I will continue to track my prey. It will be mine. … Oh yes … It will be mine.

To be continued … hopefully…

Monday, June 23, 2008

Hardware Hilarity

Warning: This post is rated PG-13

This weekend I was helping my dad with a project. We made a trip to Home Depot to get a tube of epoxy adhesive. Before going to the checkout lane, my dad decided he needed to visit the restroom.

This is what NOT to say to your dad in this situation:
“Do you need me to hold your caulk while you pee?”

Friday, June 20, 2008

You Grew Up in Iowa If:

Just for the record, I’m a Nebraskan – hence my user name. But I spent my adolescent years in a tiny town in Iowa. Iowa has been in the news a lot recently with all the tornados and floods, so I thought I’d post these. The first half was emailed to me by a friend. The second half, in green was written by Yours Truly. Some of them may only make sense if you lived in Manson.

You Grew Up in Iowa If:
- You know what "knee-high by the Fourth of July" means.
- You know the difference between 'Green' and 'Red' farm machinery, and would fight with your friends on the playground over which was better!
- You buy Christmas presents at Farm Fleet.
- More is spent on beer & liquor than food at weddings.
- You or someone you know was a 'Pork Queen' at the county fair.
- You know that 'combine' is a noun AND a verb. (Actually, if you went to Iowa public schools, you probably have no idea what the difference is between a noun and a verb. - Kevineb)
- You let your older siblings talk you into putting your tongue on a steel post in the middle of winter.
- You think Lutheran and Catholic are THE major religions.
- You know that 'creek' rhymes with 'pick'.
- Football schedules, hunting season and harvest are all taken into consideration before wedding dates are set. - There was at least one kid in your class who had to help milk cows or goats in the morning...phew!
- You have driven your car on the lake.
- Every wedding dance you have ever been to has the hokey pokey and the chicken dance. (Or every church dance. - Kevineb)
- The local gas station sells live bait.
- At least twice a year some part of your home doubles as a meat processing plant.
- You think that the start of deer season is a national holiday.
- Pop is the only name for soda.
- You don't need to use your turn signals because everyone already knows where you are going.
- When you lose control of your vehicle and go into the ditch, the news will get back to town before you do!!!!!

Additions by Kevineb:
- You pronounce it "Fow Dodge"
- You were 18 before you ever met a person with any kind of ethnic background other than your own.
- Your town has the only stoplight in the county.
- You drive 25 miles to get to the nearest McDonalds.
- Every small town needs an excuse for a parade in the summer. Yours is the fact that decades ago the town was leveled by a tornado.
- Eventually they ditch the tornado theme in favor of the fact that it was hit by a meteorite millions of years ago.

- You are proud to see the story of the meteorite depicted on the side of a U-Haul.
- The land is so flat, when you look at the horizon you can see the back of your own head.
- You had the same high school Math teacher as your dad.
- A Tornado Watch doesn't bother you at all.
- Your tractor has more electronics than your home office.
- Once you meet a police car you go ahead and speed up, knowing he is the only one around.
- You visit one of the mountain states and are astonished to see the snow falling straight down instead of sideways.
- You visit one of the mountain states and are astonished to see mountains.
- The first thing you do every morning is scrape an inch of ice off your car.
- When something is diagonal you say it's "kitty corner." (This infuriates me! - Kev)
- You wear a cap that proudly advertises a brand of seed corn, and you discuss this topic in depth with your buddies.
- The best student in your Chemistry class lives in one of the Meth houses on your street.
- The only radio station within range plays both kinds of music: Country AND Western.
- On Monday you wore a t-shirt and played outside. On Wednesday you shoveled a foot of snow off the driveway.
- Your local newspaper is published once a week and the front page features a kid building a snowman with no mention of the recent drug busts.
- Your town has a dozen of them, but everybody knows exactly where you were at if you say you were at "the four-way stop."
- The biggest sledding hill in your area started at the shoulder of the highway and went into the drainage ditch.

- You remember taking the ITEDs every year.
- You know why there are miniature road signs in the ditch along the highway.
- You see somebody dipping their bicycle wheel into a river and you know why. (At least I think you should know why, but then I'm a cyclist AND I grew up in Iowa. - Kevineb)
- You know that the best corn is purchased from the back of a pickup on the side of the highway.
- You aren't surprised to find the stores are closed during the Cy-Hawk game.
- You know what the "Cy-Hawk" game is.
- You know the difference between the Golden Rule at ISU and the Golden Rule you learned in church.
- You or somebody you know has been involved in a grain explosion.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dogs = Guaranteed Chick Magnets

I guess I need a dog. It's well known that dogs are great chick magnets, but I have not been able to locate any solid research to explain why this is and how effectively it works. But then to be honest, I haven't looked for any research either. I'm afraid to Google "The Effects of Dogs on Women" on my computer at work. Maybe some of you ladies could fill me in on how this works.

There's a guy who brings his bulldog Nicki to FHE, and I'll admit it's a cute dog. When she comes wandering over, snorting at my ankles, I'll pet her for a bit. Nicki's owner doesn't hang on to her the whole time. He often hands the leash off to whoever wants it … Does that count as some kind of philanthropic charity service?

Last night I was talking with my friend Seashells and observing the magnet in action. Not to sound mean, but the guy holding the leash wasn't the type of guy I would expect to rank very high on a woman's Desirability Scale. Nicki led him over to an attractive young lady sitting in the grass and began sniffing around by her feet. The guy sat down next to her and they began to chat for several minutes. (Well done, Nicki! This dog must be very well trained.)

"Look!" I said to Seashells, "Do you think that girl would ever talk to that guy if it weren't for the dog? It would never happen." Seashells didn't have too much input. In fact I don't think girls are even aware that they are being manipulated by the powers of the dog, because then it happened right before my very eyes.

A couple minutes later Seashells blurted out "OK, I have to go pet the doggy!" and she left my side to go sit by the dog. I was speechless; all I could do was laugh. One minute she's there talking to me about dogs being used to get girls, then the next minute she's walking away to go play with the dog! I witnessed the entire thing and yet I had no idea what happened. It's like she was brainwashed into walking into a black hole.

Imagine two fish.
Fish #1: Look at that hook hanging there!
Fish #2: Yeah, I see it.
Fish #1: What is it about the colorful lures that make fish attracted to it? You can clearly see the hook and if you look carefully you can see the line on top. And yet other fish will still go right up and bite it. LOOK! That guy just bit it! There he goes!
Fish #2: Wow, he's a goner.
Fish #1: It's back! There's the hook again! Why does anybody fall for that trick?
Fish #2: I don't know. … … Well, I'm going to go over there and bite that thing.

So I guess I need a dog. And for the record, there is no such thing as a Bachelor Cat!


The best friends a guy could ever ask for!
In honor of their third anniversay, here is another re-print from a year ago.
I love you both!

This isn't Friedrich, it's his stunt double.

Yesterday (6/18/2007) my betta turned 2 years old. He started life as an orphan at the pet store. Then one magical day he and his four brothers were hand selected (by yours truly) for their solid blue coloring to sit in a place of honor as center pieces for the wedding reception of my best friends. (Oh yeah, Happy Anniversary Jeep & Princess Flip-Flop!!!) It was an enchanting evening as they were surrounded by hoards of admirers. “What a celebration!” they thought, “These nice people are throwing such a wonderful party to honor our release from the orphanage!”

But alas, the party ended and they found they were still in fact homeless. But some of the guests took pity on the poor fish and began adopting them one by one. They were a little sad to be separated from their brothers, but not too sad. After all, they are all male Siamese Fighting Fish, so they never learned to work and play well with others. He was sad because most of his brothers had already been adopted. He wondered if anybody would ever love him. But then a very nice couple picked him up and carried him away.

On the bumpy car ride home he almost got sea-sick (kind of ironic, huh.) But despite all the sloshing around, he could hear his new Mama and Daddy discussing what his name should be. “Wow! A name of my very own, to set me apart from all the rest. How exciting! I hope they pick a good one!” Then his daddy (who was very handsome, by the way) suggested a name that he had heard several times that weekend. A name that wasn’t degrading and embarrassing like “Mr. Bubbles” or “Finny”. A name that no other fish would have. The middle name of his friend who was married. The name was Friedrich! “FRIEDRICH!! I HAVE A NAME!!! MY NAME IS FRIEDRICH! Oh, what a wonderful name!” Friedrich was so excited he nearly jumped out of his bowl.

Mama and Daddy were very generous. They gave him a larger bowl and decorated it with colorful rocks. And they gave him a wonderful little cave that he could swim through and hide under. Mama and Daddy clapped and cheered the first time he was brave enough to swim completely through the top of the cave.

Mama and Daddy were a little silly. When they would leave for work they would say things like, “Friedrich, you better have that kitchen clean by the time we get back.” Or, “You better not throw any wild parties while we’re gone.” And when they would get home they would say things like, “Friedrich, did you make this mess in here? Bad fishy!”

Friedrich would get very confused, “But I stayed in my bowl! I’m a good fish!”

Life was not always easy. Mama once dropped him on the floor when she was cleaning his bowl for the first time. She picked him up and he was OK, but Mama never cleaned his bowl again. I guess it scared her as much as it scared Friedrich. And then they got a big cat named Pippin. One time, while everybody was away, Pippin drank the water in Friedrich’s bowl. “He sucked away half my universe!” But Pippin never tried to hurt Friedrich and eventually they learned to co-exist. They would even sit together on the very top of the tall desk.

But then they got another cat…The Bad One. The little demon called Galileo. At first Galileo was too small to get to Friedrich, but before long Galileo could jump up to the counter and he was very eager to explore. He would knock the cover off the top of the bowl and sometimes stick his paw or face into the bowl. The bowl is plastic and it now has claw marks on it that show how Galileo played too roughly. The Little Terror was very frightening.

Daddy seemed to move around a lot. Friedrich didn’t like moving. It was very stressful and Friedrich was starting to get old. He had out-lived all his brothers. For a long time he had trouble finding his food at the top of his bowl. The day before his second birthday, Daddy moved him to a new home. Daddy told him “Happy birthday!” as he went to work the next morning, and even sang to him after he got home. Friedrich was very excited about his birthday. Two years is very old for a betta. But he did not have the strength to go any longer. Before his birthday was finished his spirit went to The Great Aquarium in the Sky.

Daddy moved him one last time. This time he was moved to a different kind of bowl. The sides of this bowl were not clear. Instead they were solid white, and there was a long tunnel at the bottom. The water started to swirl around and around, but this time he did not get sea sick. No, he would never be sick again. He went very quickly through the tunnel and was laid to rest in a giant cave, much larger than the cave he called home for so long.

The End

In Loving Memory of my Little Blue Baby.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dating Application

Thank you for showing interest in dating Kevineb. In order to help the selection process work efficiently, please fill out the following application.

Application for Dating Consideration
(Form A-2.2)

Name: __________________
Phone #: ________________
Address: ________________
Age: ___________________

[Attach photo of applicant here]

[Attach photo of applicant's mother here]

Height: _______
Weight: _______
Hair Color: ______
Eye Color: _______
Gender: _________
Have you always been a member of that gender: _______
(Please note: ALL MALES are automatically disqualified!)

What type of relationship are you seeking:
___ A) Buddies
___ B) Casual Dating
___ C) Committed Relationship
___ D) Strictly Physical / Booty Call
___ E) Friends With Benefits
(If "YES" to Friends With Benefits, complete and attach the original white copy of FWB Terms & Conditions {Form B-1.0}. Retain the yellow copy for your own records.)
___ F) You've already sent wedding invitations to your relatives.
(If "YES" regarding invitations, please tear up this application and never speak to Kevineb again.)

Current Occupation: ___________ Intended Career Field: ________
Are you currently attending college: _____
Course of study: ________________ GPA: _____
Select your current educational status:
___ High School Graduate
___ Some College
___ Associate's Degree
___ Bachelor's
___ Master's
___ PHD

Have you ever been diagnosed with or treated for any type of mental disorder: ____
If YES, please explain: _______________________________
Has anybody in your family been diagnosed with any type of mental disorder: ____
If YES, please explain: _______________________________

List all prescription medications you are currently taking, what they are for, and how long you have been using them: _____________________________________________________

Have you, or either of your parents spent time in jail: ____
If YES, please explain: _____________________________________
Do you have any tattoos: _____
If YES, please explain what they are, where they are located, and what you were thinking: _________________________________

Where do you live:
___ A) Alone
___ B) With parent(s) or other guardian(s). Why: ________________
___ C) With other family. Explain: ____________________
___ D) With roommates
Is your roommate hot? ____

[Attach photo of roommate(s) here]

Names of the last three (3) guys you dated, time period of the relationship, and reason the relationship ended:

Are you in fact SINGLE and not currently in any other relationship, legally or emotionally: _______
Do you have any children (Give names and ages.)
How many cats do you have: ________________________

Do you attend all of your church meetings: _______
Even if your friends don't go: _______
Are you worthy of a Temple Recommend: ______

Do you speak with a legitimate foreign accent (Non-USA): _____
If YES, from where: _________________________

What type(s) of music do you usually listen to:
Have you ever heard of Dream Theater, Porcupine Tree or Nightwish:
Do you have a problem with listening to my music in the car:
Do you acknowledge that I (Kevineb) will likely make fun of the lower forms of music that you (the applicant) listen to: ____________

List the "reality type" or "elimination type" of shows that you watch: (i.e. Survivor, American Idol, America's Next Top Model, etc.) *

List your hobbies / interests:

Do you believe in love at first sight:
Do you believe relationships continue "happily ever after" like in the fairy tales:
Do you often fall head over heals in love with guys you hardly know:

Do you have a car: ____ What make/model: _____________
Did you pay for it yourself: ____ If not, who bought it: ________
When did you get the oil changed last: ____________
How often do you talk on the phone while you drive: _________
Do you ever text while you drive: _____

What is your credit rating: _______
List all debts you currently owe and their outstanding balances, including all student loans, credit cards, car payments, etc:

If a guy made a risqué joke, you would: (Select all that apply.)
___ A) Slap him
___ B) Call him to repentance
___ C) Giggle and blush
___ D) Laugh
___ E) Come back with a joke of your own
___ F) Miss the joke altogether
___ G) Think he is a pervert
___ H) Take him seriously
___ I) Other: _____________________________

On Valentine's Day what do you expect a guy to do:
(Select all that apply.)
___ A) Simply remember and give you a kiss
___ B) Get you a card and maybe some chocolates
___ C) Take you to the most expensive restaurant in town
___ D) Buy you a new car
___ E) Propose marriage
___ F) Rearrange the stars in the sky to form a portrait of you, then hold the Earth still while you look at it.
___ G) What's Valentine's Day?
___ H) Other: _____________________________

On a warm sunny day what would you do: (Select all that apply.)
___ A) Go for a walk / jog / bike ride
___ B) Go swimming
___ C) Play outdoor sports (baseball, basketball, Frisbee, etc)
___ D) Go to the mall
___ E) Play video games
___ F) Sleep all day
___ G) Balance the checkbook
___ H) Get drunk
___ I) Hunt gators in the swamp with your cousin
___ J) Other: ______________________________

What makes you interested in Kevineb: (Select all that apply.)
___ A) His looks
___ B) His personality / sense of humor
___ C) Cyclists are sexy
___ D) You find him intriguing / mysterious
___ E) Bald guys turn you on
___ F) He has a pulse
___ G) Your friends dared you
___ H) Your baby needs a daddy
___ I) Your therapist said you should meet new people
___ J) You've got a weakness for geeks
___ K) You want a guy to buy you stuff
___ L) You like Progressive Rock music
___ M) You lost a bet
___ N) Who's Kevineb?
___ O) He's single and that's good enough for you
___ P) Other: ____________________________
___ Q) Other: ____________________________
___ R) Other: _____________________________
(If you need more space, please feel free to continue your list on the back of this form.)

Please give the name, address, and phone number for three (3) references.
(TIP: Naming your cat as a reference will result in immediate disqualification.)

I, the above-named applicant, do hereby acknowledge that the information given in this application is true and correct. I also acknowledge that the submission of this application does not guarantee approval for any type of relationship,expressed or implied, and any relationship that may develop is not a guarantee of a long term commitment.
* I, the applicant, do also acknowledge that naming ANY reality or elimination type shows on the above question on this form is grounds for immediate disqualification. The only possible exception is So You Think You Can Dance which is only acceptable for viewing because of the hot girls and must be watched with the volume muted except during the actual performances.

Signature: ______________________________ Date: ___________

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wish Granted

Tuesday night, 5/27/2008, was the Nightwish concert at the Granada Theatre in Lawrence Kansas. Jeep and I left in the afternoon and met my friend Jee and her cousin T in Lawrence, then we all went to the show together. As I type this Wednesday afternoon, my ears are still ringing a little bit.

One of the things I love about Progressive Rock is that it attracts such a wide variety of people. At a Prog show you will see young hard-partying metal-head drunks standing next to clean cut middle-aged businessmen. The majority of the people at this show seemed to fall into the twenty-something emo-goth-metal categories, but there were plenty of normal looking folks too, including a couple that must have been at least 50 standing behind us. (I asked that lady to take our picture because I figured she was least likely to rob us.)

As we were standing in line I had to smile when I saw a middle-aged man walking alone up the sidewalk. He was mostly bald with his remaining hair a bit long and disheveled, his scrawny pasty white legs were obviously not familiar with sunlight, and he was fumbling to put batteries in his camera as he awkwardly made his way toward the end of the line. But all nerdiness aside, he was going to a metal concert wearing a black Epica t-shirt. I started to chuckle at the sight until I realized I was looking at an image of myself in 15 years.

I had a few goals for the night. 1) Find a good spot to stand - the venue was standing only, general admission. 2) Rock out like crazy. 3) Make out with the lead singer Anette Olzon. 4) Touch Marco's beard; the bass player Marco Hietala has a long beard that looks very soft. Touching Marco's beard is on my life's 'bucket list'. I wonder what kind of shampoo he uses. Probably some exotic stuff only available in Finland. 5) Have an awesome time.

One memorable moment that was funny at the time, but gets more sad every time I think of it: As we continued to wait outside a man walked up who had clearly led a hard life of substance abuse that has apparently caused a good deal of permanent damage. He stopped next to me, gawked at the line of people stretching down the block, and asked what the line was for. After a silent pause, it seemed nobody wanted to respond to him. Never too afraid to talk to crazies, I told him we were there to see a concert. He asked what band and I said Nightwish. As expected, he had never heard of them. He asked what type of music, and a person behind me replied "Metal." The man then asked if they were any good, so I grinned at him and simply said "Excellent." The man then started to rant, "I came all the way here from Massachusetts, and it took me THREE MONTHS! (At this point he started yelling in the typical crazy burn-out fashion.) AND IF I'M HERE TO DISCOVER THAT THIS IS A GREAT BAND, THEN THAT MUST BE WHY I'M HERE! …" Halfway through his rant the line moved forward and he was no longer near us, so I don't know what happened after that. (Talking to burn-outs is always interesting. Remind me to tell you about the time I almost bought a used bike from an older crack-head couple.)

Random Comments:
- "I hear, but how will I see?" (Nightwish: The Siren) Once inside we found a good spot to stand about 35 feet from the stage, right in front of the soundboard, center stage. After suffering through the crappy opening act we had a great vantage point from which to enjoy Nightwish.

- The performance was great. The sound quality could have been a little better - the guitarist and Marco's microphone were drowning a bit, but I'm super analytical about stuff like that.

- The place was packed shoulder to shoulder and it was pretty hot, so it was difficult to do much fist pumping, headbanging, or any other sort of physical movement.

- Anette is a doll. You can hardly take your eyes off of her when she's on the stage, no matter how badly you want to see what the rest of the band is doing. She's beautiful, her singing is amazing, her dancing is great (not forced or cheesy), and her voice when she speaks is simply enchanting. It's as if you are a young child and she is this sweet, loving, Swedish au pare who is there to take care of you, tell you a fairy tale, and tuck you in to bed. At one point she did some headbanging and I've never seen somebody make headbanging look so … cute. She brings Elegance into the world of Metal; the perfect personification of this type of band.

- Marco = Metal \m/

- Emppu is tiny. Wikipedia says he's 5'-5". Marco's microphone stand was above Emppu's head when he walked past it. He would squat down in a typical metal guitarist pose and his head would disappear below the heads of the people in the first row. From our vantage point, it seemed as if he vanished from the stage until he stood up again.

- I only met 3 of my 5 goals. Jeep and I had to get back to Omaha, so we didn't have time to wait by the tour buses for the band to come out. So I missed my chance to touch Marco's beard and Anette missed her chance to make out with me.

My friend Jee, her cousin T, Jeep, Kevineb

Drums: Jukka Nevalainen; Singer: Anette Olzon; Bass: Marco Hietala
This is kinda a cool time elapsed shot. My shutter stayed open for a long time because it was so dark - which makes things fuzzy if anything moves, especially my hands - but everything was still enough for this to be relatively clear. You can see Anette's hand is moving downward, Marco's left hand is sliding down the neck, and his right hand is moving up and down.

Keyboard/Mastermind: Tuomas Holopainen (far left); Bass: Marco Hietala (singing in this picture); Drums: Jukka Nevalainen; Singer: Anette Olzon (her back to the audience, waving her fantastic fanny. Thank you Anette!); Guitar: Emppu Vuorinen

I managed to hold the camera still and get everything in the frame even though I'm holding it over my head, not looking through it at all.

You can't tell what any of them look like in my photos, so here they are:
Marco, Tuomas, Anette, Emppu (apparently standing on a box), Jukka

Setlist for the show (not necessarily in the correct order):
Bye Bye Beautiful
Dark Chest of Wonders
The Siren
The Poet and the Pendulum

Come Cover Me
Whoever Brings the Night
The Islander

7 Days to the Wolves
Sleeping Sun
Wish I Had An Angel

The Most Awesome Sentence You Will See Today:

"The road was closed while the Hartford Police Department's bomb squad came and blew up the chicken."

I would have paid good money to witness this.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Grandma is a Metal-Head

While we're on the subject, here's another concert story from last year.
Brief Prog History lesson:

In 1996 members of the progressive metal band Savatage formed a side project called Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Under the direction of composer/producer Paul O'Neill, TSO was essentially Savatage's alter-ego using various singers and more frequent ballads. Their biggest hit was "Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24" which was first released on the Savatage album Dead Winter Dead in 1995, but was subsequently copied and pasted into TSO's debut album Christmas Eve and Other Stories in 1996. TSO found a niche market playing symphonic metal versions of traditional Christmas carols. To date they have created 3 Christmas-themed albums and only one non-Christmas album (Beethoven's Last Night: 2000) Their next album Night Castle is officially expected to be released in 2008 - unofficially, don't hold your breath.

I went to a Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert for the first time last night (12/9/2007). I could spend quite some time telling you all about the show - the band, the orchestra, the sound quality, the lighting, the lasers, the pyro, the presentation, etc - but it will suffice to say the show was great, but our seats were not. Apparently I'm cursed when it comes to getting good concert seats and unfortunately there was no "broken seat miracle" like at the Dream Theater concert, further proving that God is also a Dream Theater fan and He REALLY wanted me to have a good experience at that show. (For more details see "DT in KC" written August 2007) But the real story here is about the lady in front of me.

Growing up as a band geek I would rehearse with the jazz band in the morning, play classical music with the concert band during the day, and then go home and listen to Van Halen and Metallica while I did my homework. I never saw any reason why these seemingly separate worlds should not coexist. I would often imagine how it might sound if these elements were united in various combinations. So naturally I found my place in the world when I discovered the realm of progressive rock and symphonic metal, but it's still difficult to find bands that can pull it off well.

But TSO has found some mainstream success, so I prepared myself to see an arena full of soccer-moms and even a few older folks. I wasn't even all that surprised when I saw Brother & Sister Johnson as we came in. The Johnsons are a very nice couple - probably in their 50's - and I sit by them at church almost every week. But I still can't quite get over the old blue-haired lady that sat in front of me. She was probably at least 70 and she was seriously getting into it, especially the heavier sections. She would lean forward and wave her little wrinkled fist in the air saying "Yes…yes…yes!" She would try to clap her hands in the air, but she was always just a little too slow to be on the beat. It's just as well, if she clapped too hard she would probably fracture her frail wrists.

At times Granny would put her hands together in front of her - shaking with either excitement or Parkinson's Disease - as if she were either thanking God or begging for more. "Yes…yes…YES!" I was pretty sure before the evening was done that she would need to change into a fresh pair of Depends. I was almost expecting her to throw her hands up in the "horn fingers" gesture and then flash her goods to the lead guitarist a la Girls Gone Wild.

At one point the two guitarists engaged in a free-form improve solo exchange when one guitarist, much to the delight of the "younger" crowd (20 - 40), began to play the opening lines to "Voodoo Chile" by Jimi Hendrix. When he stopped and waited for the crowd to respond I yelled "More Jimi!", and Granny replied with all the vocal projection she could muster, "More Christmas!". So I cleverly responded, "MORE JIMI!!!" He didn't play any more Hendrix, but the other guitarist responded by playing a few lines of "Black Dog" by Led Zeppelin.

This little old lady apparently thought she was there to hear Christmas music, but it was very clear to me, and to all those around her, that she got most excited by the heavy metal elements of the songs (and I do mean … ahem … "excited."). And I don't blame her. After all, that's why I was there - to hear some well done symphonic metal.

So maybe this is the way to give progressive music the exposure it deserves: trick the public into thinking they're listening to something else: - It all starts with an exciting, modernized version of Carol of the Bells.

- Then maybe they can move on to rock versions of non-Christmas classical music (see Beethoven's Last Night and various songs by Savatage).
- Then make the transition from classical songs with modern elements to modern songs with classical elements (Nightwish, Savatage, Symphony X…)
- By then they will realize the orchestra is great, but not always required (Dream Theater, Porcupine Tree, Pain of Salvation…) and before you know it we will have an entire nation of well-rounded prog-heads. (See also "If Prog Were Mainstream")
So keep on rockin', Granny! As irritating as you are, you bring hope to the future of progressive rock. Maybe I'll see you at the Progressive Nation tour this summer with Dream Theater and Opeth!

This isn't the lady in the story. I just like the picture.

"Hermit the Prog"

P.S. If you like the idea of heavy metal being played on top of a full orchestra, do yourself a favor. You MUST go out and get the album Dark Passion Play by Nightwish. In fact you should get it even if you don't like metal. If you like soft ballads, you should get this CD. If you like female vocalists, you should get this CD. If you like male vocalists … if you like traditional Celtic music … if you like sea shanties … I don't care what you normally listen to, you will find something you like on this album. I have never endorsed a CD so fully before - and this is coming from a die hard Dream Theater fan - but this CD will permanently change the way you listen to music.

DT in KC

This is one I wrote last year.

On Monday night (8/6/2007) I stood in the presence of Deity and basked in its awesome power, wisdom, and glory. “Did you have some kind of near-death experience?” you ask. No…I went to a Dream Theater concert!

I’ll admit, this is my first real concert; not counting local bands playing in the back room of a bowling alley that is now being plowed over to build a Wal-Mart. But what an amazing night! The Uptown Theater in Kansas City is beautiful. The old-fashion decorations, arches, moldings, and statues transport you to another era (apparently an era before air conditioning was invented. More on that later.)

The evening didn’t start so great. The first opening act, Into Eternity, absolutely sucked. They were just loud and screamy. Ridiculously, painfully loud. So loud that everything turned to mush in my ears except for the singer’s embarrassingly comical squealing. They actually sounded better with ear plugs half-way in to dull the noise. They sounded better yet with the ear plugs in completely.

The second act, Redemption, was much better. I might seek out one of there CDs. Into Eternity and Redemption both played for about 35 minutes each.

Our seats were terrible (Jeep, Princess Flip-Flop, and myself). We were about 23 rows back, on the aisle of the middle section, directly behind the soundboard. All I could see was the backsides of the sound techs, and instead of seeing what was on stage, I was distracted by the lights on their equipment and monitor screens. But then a miracle happened! This shows that modern-day miracles do occur, and proves my theory that God is a Dream Theater fan. When Into Eternity finished we stood up to stretch (and/or throw poo at the stage) and Jeep and Princess Flip Flop’s chairs both broke! The ancient seats just fell apart!

So we had to ask the young female event staffer for different seats. And she was cute. Really cute! Dare I say “angelic”, sent from on high to work mighty wonders. She directed us to the row in front of the soundboard, about 5 rows up from where we were, in the more expensive seating section; about the 18th row. I shuffled over to my new spot and sat down, grateful to now have an unobstructed view. I looked up to the stage, and behold, I was dead-center! PRAISE THE HEAVENS FOR BROKEN SEATS!!

Dream Theater hit the stage and the whole place jumped to their feet, which is where they would stay for the next two hours. They started by playing a bit of Strouss’ “Also Sprach Zaratustra” (think “2001: A Space Odyssey”; bumm … bummmm … Bummmmm … BA-DUMMMM!!”) then launched directly into Constant Motion.

Dream Theater was amazing! The sound was great without being absurdly loud (no ear plugs during Dream Theater of course)! The lighting did a great job of enhancing the music without distracting from it. The videos on the screen were good. I liked the cartoon that went with The Dark Eternal Night, in the same fashion as the one for Octavarium (sorry, I’m off in DT World now. I realize none of you know what I mean.)

For the first two DT songs I sat about seven feet from the drummer’s wife and kids until they appeared up in the VIP mini-balcony in the upper-right of the picture above.

It was HOT! And I don’t mean “hot” in the Paris Hilton “that’s hot” kind of way. I mean that place felt like a giant sauna. The singer for Redemption was sweating buckets and commenting on the heat. Princess Flip-Flop got dizzy and had to sit down for a while after DT had been on stage for about an hour and a half. Major kudos to DT for playing under the hot lights for two hours.

When it was over I was hot and stinky, my voice was nearly gone, and my shoulders were sore from pumping my fists in the air. I probably lost 3 pounds in two hours from sweating, bouncing up and down, and a little head banging (as much as can be done without any hair to move around and without causing my glasses to fly off. I am so metal!). Jeep and Flip-Flop headed for the car to start up the air conditioner and get some water, while I ran around front to get a picture of the marquee. As I ran against the stream of people a tired, sweaty concertgoer said, “Dude, how can you RUN after that?” I like to think that all of my cycling has acted as training for this night. If I weren’t already past him I might have said, “You mean after two hours of moderate aerobic activity in unbearable heat and humidity? That’s what I do for fun, Buddy!”

I managed to sneak my camera in and take a few pictures without being caught, unlike the guy in front of me who was taking pictures with his cell phone until security spoke to him; then I didn’t see him any more. Unfortunately all my pictures are blurry due to my poor photography skills and my inability to hold still while I’m rocking out.

I hope they come back this way on their next tour!


Friday, June 6, 2008

Bike vs. Woman

Reasons Why My Bike is Better Than a Woman
1. My bike never complains that I don't take it out as often as it would like.
2. My bike doesn't mind if I take my friend's bike for a ride.
3. My bike is always ready for action.
4. If something is wrong with my bike, it will give me some type of clue.
5. While my bike does require some amount of maintenance, it's not nearly as much maintenance as a girlfriend requires.
6. I don't need to continually try to impress my bike.
7. My bike doesn't mind when I suggest getting some new parts to make it sportier.
8. My bike doesn't ever make me watch American Idol or Dancing With Washed-Up Has-Beens.
9. My bike has 64 nipples. (That is the actual term for the little pieces that secure the spokes to the rim. What were YOU thinking of? Shame on you.)
10. In 15 years my bike will still weigh the same as it does today.
11. My bike doesn't try on six sets of tires in front of the mirror before we go out.
12. My bike doesn't argue with me when I say it's beautiful.
13. My bike doesn't expect me to throw a tickertape parade for it down Main Street on it's birthday, Valentine's Day, Christmas, our anniversary, New Year's, Arbor Day, Yom Kippur, Thursdays, each day of Lent, etc.
14. It's wheels may sometimes be "out of true", but my bike has never lied to me.
15. My bike never has a headache.
16. My bike likes to roll around in the mud.
17. Although I've spent more money on my bike than I care to admit and it has still broken down and left me stranded many miles from home on more than one occasion, my bike is still more reliable and faithful than any girl.


Welcome to Kevineb's Random Ramblings. This is where I'll put my musings and random thoughts so you can check it any time you want without me sending more crap to your email.

I'll warn you right now; I'm not too couputer savvy, so things may not always be very pretty, or even functional. In fact, if the entire Internet crashes it is probably my fault. I'll start by adding a few classics from the archives.

Please feel free to leave comments or send me a message.