Friday, September 26, 2008


There’s a new sci-fi / action / drama series on Fox called Fringe. It’s a little like a combination of X-Files + Lost. I happened to catch the first two episodes and it looks pretty good An FBI agent, a mad scientist, and the scientist’s son team up to solve crimes and mysteries that involve extreme technology bordering on the edge of the paranormal. These mysteries are all somehow connected together as part of the big picture referred to as “The Pattern”. Only a couple mysterious people seem to know anything about The Pattern and they don’t reveal much.

But I have figured out an important clue. When they break for commercials they show different images on the screen. The images appear to be something normal, but with a twist: A handprint with 6 fingers, a leaf with geometric shapes in its “veins”, etc. But my favorite image is the frog. Take a look.

That’s an interesting design on its back.
Dream Theater is part of The Pattern!


Janell said...

Hubbie is a sci-fi fan (and has roped me into it!!!), we'll have to check this out.

Ever watched Dr. Who? It's from the UK - you gotta watch a few to get into it, though - but it is great.

Kevineb said...

Yeah, I love the new version of Doctor Who. A friend of mine got me hooked on it. (One of my t-shirt designs is based on the episode "Blink."
Unfortunately I don't get BBC America or the Sci-Fi channel, so my only opportunity to see it is Saturday at 11:00pm on one of the PBS stations. I'm not very awake at that time unless I'm out with my friends.

It's good to hear from you. I hope you continue to recover well.