Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Featured Album: Godspeed

Victory is mine! The latest addition to my music collection is a band called Godspeed You! Black Emperor, and if you think the band’s name is strange, we've only gotten started.

The album title is Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven. How do I begin to describe it: Spacey, psychedelic, avant-garde art rock with guitars (electric and acoustic), upright bass, cellos, violins, glockenspiel, and an extra large dose of Weird. It’s mostly instrumental with a few spoken word audio clips thrown in: an old man reminiscing about Conney Island, a little girl singing in French, a crazy cult preacher, etc.

The album consists of 2 discs with 2 tracks on each disc. Each track has several movements within it, each with its own name. The shortest track is 19 minutes long.

The passive nature of this album should allow it to serve well as background music while I do other things that require more mental focus such as work or talk with friends. My usual Prog Metal is so intricate that it requires a certain amount of attention simply to listen to it. This album is more relaxing, although it does have its intense and/or intricate moments.

As I was waiting for CD Tradepost to open Saturday morning I stopped at the Goodwill across the street. There I bought a Venaculas CD for $3. Remember, the 1 CD a Month rule is more of a guideline. It was only $3 and they are pretty descent for a local band.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Ditto on the Venaculas...that is my friend from High School!! You cant knock 'em. (sidenote: Are you happy, I am reading your blog now!)